Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Assassination of Joe Paterno

The Assassination of Joe Paterno

While we can debate the pathetic state of journalism ad nauseum, the only thing I am concerned about is what if we find out after all the facts come out that Paterno was one of the few who actually tried to fix the problem?

What if we find out that after learning of Sandusky being investigated in 1998, Paterno immediately attempted to fire Sandusky from the staff but was overruled by University hierarchy including members of the then-current Board of Trustees?

What if we find out that Paterno was specifically told by members of the Penn State administration that the 2002 case had been handed over to the authorities?

What if we find out that despite no police reports being on file, Mike McQueary did in fact talk to police about the 2002 incident in the Lasch Football Building?

What if we find out that this cover up took place far over Joe Paterno or anyone in the athletic department’s heads and they had nothing to do with any true wrongdoing?

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